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Where can you ship to?Tricky question! Wine laws are always evolving and this link (U.S. Wine Shipping Laws, State by State ( to Wine Spectator's article on shipping is very helpful but in short, we can ship to most states through the use of our shipping partner, VinoShipper.
What vendor shows do you go to?We attempt to participate in all the Big One, and Pride of Dakota shows as well as a few street fairs (Norse Hostfest, Bismarck street fair etc.) and the Ft Ransom SVACA show. Want to see us at a show near you? Shoot us a message! Follow on Facebook and Instagram to stay informed.
How many wine varieties do you sell?Another tricky question! We do not keep all of the varietals in stock year-round but so far, we have experimented with over 30 flavor combinations. Recently, our most popular wines have been Haskap Berry wine and Crabapple wine.
Do your wines contain sulfites?Our wines contain very small amounts of potassium metabisulfite, a compound used to keep the wine from continued fermentation in the bottle so much that it bursts on your shelf. If you believe that sulfites are your problem look out for your sensitivity to also include french fries, cured meats, cheese, and canned soup ( because they are also present there. The sulfite is approved by the FDA and is GRAS, generally recognized as safe.
Red wines give me headaches, will your wines be different?Thats hard to say because every person's reaction to wine is different BUT our best advice would be to drink more water! Wine is around 9-11 percent alcohol per 5oz pour, that'll dry you out and cause a headache pretty quick if you aren't careful.
How long does it take to make a bottle of wine?Great question! The answer varies from fruit to fruit but a very rough estimate would be about 3 weeks. Primary fermentation can take anywhere from 3 days to a couple weeks. Then the wine must rest and have the dead yeast and other particulates settle out so you can drink the beautiful, clear wine you have in your glass today.
What are these little crystals in the bottom of my bottle/on the cork?Good observation! No need to worry, those are called tartrate crystals. They are generally precipitated out when the wine reaches very cold temperatures and the tartaric acid solidifies. The wine is still entirely safe to drink! Don't worry about the "wine diamonds" just attempt to leave them be and enjoy your bottle.

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